Educational Workshops

Projects with children in Morocco

Development and cooperation project in M'Hammid Oasis (Morocco). It is carried out by the association TERRACHIDIA. The project involved studying and restoring the architectural heritage of M´Hamid Oasis, and establishing a cultural exchange with the local population.

The project involved workshops with children to promote and encourage the awareness of different world cultures, drawing about what they like from their home town, sing songs in different languages and play a story about a man that became the Oasis Guardian.

Finally, every body had a card where we wrote their names and their title as 
"Guardian de l´oasis"

Earth construction with children

Multicultural workshop

In cooperation with Escola Portuguesa Bristol ( ), and Greek for you ( ) we are starting a project to create an International school in Bristol, to promote and encourage environmental awareness, creativity, arts and crafts and understanding of different world cultures.The project has started with Multicultural Workshops with children from Greece, Portugal and Spain, aged 4 to 11. 

Playing games and music, we find cultural similarities between different countries and learn about traditions that we can share. 

We also work to improve their language skills and help children find others from the same country of origin.

Creativity workshop

These workshops help us to discover our 5 senses, making instruments and tools, telling and creating stories, practice cooking, dance, inventing games, create with our hands,playing songs and singing etc..


Menu: Brasilian chocolate cake, fruit sticks from Senegal and Greek yougourt with mint.

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