Architectural Workshops

We are currently living a time of changes, and we need to rethink the way we have been building in the last years. The stablish model, that in which we have been educated, have shown up as insostainable. Every architect has the responsability to look for alternatives.

The knowledge of traditional architecture, the one that build with local materials, complitly sostainable, integrated in the landscape and energetic efficient, addapted to the weather conditions, comes up like an alternative.

workshops in Morocco:


This workshops are focused on studying and broadcasting the knowledge on traditional building techniques and architectural bioclimatic solutions, to improve contemporary practice. 
They consist of a direct and practical approach to earth construction techniques. 

Since august 2012, we have carried out 7 earth construction workshops in Morocco.
They have been develop in cooperation with the local people, and using their traditional building techniques, in which mud is the main element.
In groups of 20 people, we have restore important items of public spaces, in different villages of M´Hamid Oasis, always working as a team with the local people and using our own hands.

More information:


Workshops in Europe:

Nowadays the aim is to extend this workshops to spain and U.K.and promote mud as a valuable building material, and encourage the awareness of traditional ways of construction with mud, that have been successful along a hundred years. (Sun-dried bricks, Tapial, Lime)

And apply recent techniques such as straw construction, cob and BTC.

ifac 2013

Bristol 2014

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