Story telling


Storytelling for children

Program to encourage reading awareness in the public libraries of Comunidad de Madrid. Unidad de apoyo al libro.

Small people in the library

Because in a storybook there is fun, adventure, emotion. For all those characters that walk around everywhere.

Tras las letras 

Storytelling for children aged 3 to 6.

Letters, shapes and colors get togheter to fill with smiles the eyes that are listening to us.

Story for the senses 

Storytelling for babies 

 We want to communicate emotions, and our own eagerness through gests, words, sounds, and also in a subconsciousnway.

Poetry and stories for adults

In ti mismo

Poetry and flamenco
Just because of our love for arts and free expresion, we do this tribute to the poetry and story books that we love, and we give them the rythm that move us.

Hipómenes y Atalanta


May be people in Madrid do not know why Cibeles´ goddess cart is pull by two lions. For those who do not know, the blind man and the jokey tell us the story, just as it was...

2 comentarios:

  1. ¡Qué guapas estáis! ¡Me encanta lo que haces!

    1. Muchas gracias!. Nos hicimos un blog para los cuentacuentos gracias al empujón de tener que hacer uno para el curso de innovación :)
